This resource was set-up to make feminism more visible to more people.

If you don’t have the money to buy books at the moment (or access to an English-language library) but still want to learn, then enjoy browsing through this curated collection. If you discover a new author and/or feminist group within this library that you love, please find them on social media and support them by purchasing their books and products and/or funding their endeavours so they can continue to write and share their stories. Also included in this collection are other books written by women; books about cats, plant-based cooking, self care, how-to’s, and hobby DIY stuff.

In each post on The Staircase Window there is book and author info, along with links to download e-reader files, PDFs and/or audiobook files that are hosted on other sites on the internet. Continue to be a feminist force of good in the world, and share your voice. Whatever your gender or sex, read these women’s words to gain knowledge to help get the patriarchy and toxic masculinity out of your head.

Simone de Beauvoir // Representation of the world, like the world itself, is the work of men; they describe it from their own point of view, which they confuse with absolute truth.

Arundhati Roy // Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.

Brittany Packnett // I don’t believe that all men are trash. But I am 100% clear that all patriarchy is trash. All oppressive structures and mindsets, they are a smog—we all breathe patriarchy in. Which means that men will perform patriarchy even when they aren’t trying. And folks accept it. It also means that women will operate with patriarchal mindsets and internalized sexism and not realize what we’re doing.
Awareness –> self reflection –> dismantling –> new mindsets –> new habits

Why be a feminist? The point of feminism is to value and validate women’s choices, to recognize and celebrate the diversity of femininities. The activist goal is to create and enable social structures to allow all women room of their own, to make choices with consciousness, agency, respect and responsibility.

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