Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Understanding Life Experiences from Early Childhood to Old Age

Published in 2015
248 pages


Sarah Hendrickx is an autistic author, speaker and freelance writer. She is author of 8 published books on a variety of subjects – autism, cookery and overseas living. Sarah also writes monthly columns on overseas living for Standard Issue magazine and Mediterranean Gardening and Outdoor Living magazines as well as articles for web and print.

What is this book about?
This book adds to our knowledge by providing an insightful, sensitive analysis of the pattern of behaviours in females from childhood through to old age… This book endorses my clinical experiences in working with females in the autism spectrum and validates the importance of diagnosis at any time in a person’s life. Therefore I would highly recommend this book for all professionals involved in diagnosis and supporting girls and women in the autism spectrum. –from the foreword by Dr Judith Gould, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Director of The Lorna Wing Centre for Autism.