Published in 2010
210 pages
Tere Duperrault Fassbender lives with her husband, Ron, near the shoreline of Lake Michigan. Her three children and her grandchildren live nearby. Fassbender is retired from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, where she built a career protecting the waterways and the near-shore areas from being overdeveloped and altered.
Richard Logan, PhD, holds an AB degree in anthropology from Harvard University and a doctorate in human development from the University of Chicago. An expert in the psychology of solitary survival, he is the author of Alone: A Fascinating Study of Those Who Have Survived Long, Solitary Ordeals. He has also been a guest on A&E and the Discovery Channel. Dr. Logan lives with his wife, Carol, in Minneapolis.
What is this book about?
Terry Jo Duperrault was 11 when her family was murdered at sea aboard a chartered sailboat off the coast of Florida. She jumped overboard just in time to escape. Surviving four days on a cork float in the middle of the ocean, Terry Jo’s rescue pictures graced LIFE Magazine soon after she was found. This is the first time Terry Jo, now known as Tere Duperrault Fassbender, has been able to fully tell her story. In September 1988 Oprah Winfrey reunited her with the freighter Captain who saved her, but even then, she was not healed enough to reveal what it took to survive for four days adrift and alone at sea. Co-authored by psychologist and survival expert Richard Logan, readers delve into the details of how a little girl survived the murder of her family; the gradual collapse of the small cork float she used to keep afloat while guarded by a pod of whales; and the aftermath and the reclamation of life. Alone: Orphaned on the Ocean is the ultimate inspirational tale of good.