Published in 2015
218 pages
Alida Nugent currently resides in Brooklyn, where she wears dark lipstick, eats sandwiches, and tries to find dive bars that serve martinis. She is also the author of Don’t Worry, It Gets Worse.
What is this book about?
The author of Don’t Worry It Gets Worse takes on the F-word
Alida Nugent’s first book, Don’t Worry It Gets Worse, received terrific reviews, and her self-deprecating “everygirl” approach continues to win the Internet-savvy writer and blogger new fans. Now, she takes on one of today’s hottest cultural topics: feminism.
Nugent is a proud feminist—and she’s not afraid to say it. From the “scarlet F” thrust upon you if you declare yourself a feminist at a party to how to handle judgmental store clerks when you buy Plan B, You Don’t Have to Like Me skewers a range of cultural issues, and confirms Nugent as a star on the rise.